Possibility of 10% increase in salaries of government employees

Possibility of 10% increase in salaries of government employees. The budget for the new financial year is likely to be presented by the federal government on June 11. The government has started considering a 10 percent increase in the salaries of government employees in the budget. The provinces are being consulted in this regard. The government has approached the provincial governments for a 10% increase in the salaries of government employees.
According to media reports, the Punjab government has conditionally supported the 10 per cent increase in salaries. The Punjab government has said that if the federal government gives additional funds to Punjab, it will be able to increase the salaries by 10 per cent. It is already giving executive alliance to the secretariat employees while other employees have to pay 25% allowance from June 1.

Possibility of 10% increase in salaries of government employees

Two days ago, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar approved a 25% increase in the special allowance in the salaries of government employees. A special committee meeting was held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Punjab in which Provincial Ministers Raja Basharat, Mian Aslam Iqbal, Hashim Javan Bakht, Syed Hussain Jahanian Gardezi, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister, Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Secretary and other officials participated.

The meeting decided to give special allowance to government employees deprived of other allowances besides salary. In the meeting, it was proposed to the Chief Minister that 10 to 15 percent special allowance be given to government employees. Rejecting this, the Chief Minister has approved to give 25% special allowance to government employees. More than 721,000 government employees from grade one to grade 19 will receive special allowances.
The special allowance will be included in the June salaries of government employees, with a monthly allowance of 25 per cent from June next month. This will not include government employees who already receive special executive allowances. Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar said that government employees are in the hands of the government, they will be taken care of. The budget will also be good news for government employees.

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