Emirates Id Office Karama Timing, Location & Tracking Information

Emirates Id Office Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship was established in September 2004 as Emirates Identity Authority. Which can call the emirates id office to foster the populace register.

Furthermore, the Emirates Identity program envelops putting away all the indispensable data of the populace in the electronic information bases and giving Emirates ID to all the populace which is vital for utilizing the administrations in UAE.

Notwithstanding, Emirates Identity Authority administrations are provided for the individuals for UAE nationals, UAE residents, GCC residents, and so on

Office For Emirates ID

Emirates Id Office Karama Timing, Location

The outline of current global e-administration rehearses and the obligation of the public identity the board base program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). By endorsing e-administration advancement. It additionally portrays the emirates id office helps of e-administration.

What are Emirates ID and emirates id offices?

It is the fundamental identification or resident card of all UAE populace and countries. It’s an individual data set of each resident in the UAE which should be conveyed consistently. Be that as it may, the Emirates Identification Authority (EIDA) issues the Emirates ID. The card has a coordinated chip (ICC or IC card) containing individual information over the resident. Counting essential data, photographs, and biometric information or fingerprints.

That is a legitimate prerequisite for UAE residents and residents to apply for one. What’s more, convey it with them consistently. The Emirates ID is utilizing to get taxpayer-driven organizations to cast a ballot in the appointment of FNC (Federal National Council). As an explorer report for UAE residents to venture to every part of the GCC. As an archive to go relocation through the Electronic doors. What’re more, keen doors at various air terminals in the UAE.

Emirates Id Office Karama Complete Detail

Emirates Post is the sole provider of postal administrations in the country. Also, one of the focal post offices is one of the fundamental offices of the substance. Starting last year, a sum of 80% of Emirates IDs is shipped off the Karama focal post office. What’s more, gathered individuals who don’t have PO boxes.

Notwithstanding, the post office is presently revamped. Which following the orders of His Highness Sheik Mohammed container Rashid Al Maktoum. VP and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

Last August, plans were made to restore the Karama post office in Dubai. Which moved tasks to the mezzanine floor and corner side office briefly. Because of these changes, holding up occasions have been altogether diminished at the post office.


Alongside mail conveyance, administrations presented by the focal post office incorporate cash orders, global cash moves, and bill installments. You can likewise book Air Arabia tickets from the post office.

When you apply for your Emirates ID, you can gather it from the local post office in Dubai after getting an affirmation SMS from Impost. You simply need to introduce your Emirates ID and EIDA receipt for assortment.

When you enter the post office, you need to take your symbolic number. What’s more, stand by till your number appears on the screen. This is a critical improvement as beforehand one needed to remain in line. Presently there is likewise a plentiful seating limit so you can stand by serenely for your turn.

The staff is likewise steady and subject matter expert, and there are various opposes obliging however many individuals as much as could be allowed at a time. What’s more, regardless of whether you need to stand by, there is a bistro at the post office too.


A focal area with near a few roads you could arrive at the post office. There are bunches of transport courses close to the structure. What’s more, taxi administrations are additionally accessible. Regardless of whether you live in distant areas. There are transports that take you straight to Karama.


Karama post office opening occasions are from:

07:30 am to 09:00 pm from Saturday to Wednesday On Thursday, Karama post office times are

07:30 am to 01:00 pm and from 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm.

On Friday the post office is shut. During Ramadan, the Karama post office timings are 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.


The stopping region inside the structure is likewise broad to contain guest volumes. This is a positive point while the stopping inconvenience of the Karama quarter.

In any case, it is simpler to discover stopping. at the point when you visit in the early evening or late around evening time. There are no stopping charges at the post office.

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